It’s Novembrrrr
I’m writing this on the first day of November. You remember, the day it was 22 degrees, windy with snow flurries? Wasn’t it just last week we were mowing our lawns??
I guess I was lulled into thinking Fall would stick around a while longer, but this morning was a real wake up. I was out just before sunrise this morning since we had an early delivery coming in. All I had to do was shift the delivery vans in the driveway so that the tractor trailer had room to turn around. Should only take a minute. But the second that cold air hit me I realized that just a t-shirt was totally inadequate. After putting on a sweatshirt AND a jacket, I headed out again.
The windshields were completely frosted over, so I did what any person who just doesn’t have time for all this cold weather stuff would do, I rolled down the window and stuck my head out. I was just parking the second van when the big truck rolled in. Sheesh, 7:15am on the first day of the month and I am already behind.
Alright, I need to pull it together and get organized. November is a tricky month for us. It seems Thanksgiving always falls on Thursday, which happens to be our delivery day. So instead of interrupting your holiday meal, we just close for that week. But this is where it gets confusing. Follow with me.
The online store, www.DeliveredFresh.Store will close on the 14th through the 21st. We WILL be delivering on the 16th & 17th for items you ordered before the 14th. The store will open on the 21st through the 28th and we will deliver those items on the 30th and 1st.
Make sense? If you have any questions, just shoot me an email at